Committee OKs Death Penalty Repeal

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Committee OKs Death Penalty Repeal By Dan Boyd Journal Capitol Bureau SANTA FE — The latest effort to repeal ...

Lilly Close to $1.4 Billion Settlement over Zyprexa

U.S. drug maker Eli Lilly is close to settling criminal and civil charges that it promoted a drug, Zyprexa, for unauthorized uses. The compa...

Nearly 50 People Hospitalized After Wal-Mart Evacuation

Police in Germantown, Wisconsin plan to review surveillance video in an attempt to find out who is responsible for releasing a chemical beli...

California Man Dies After Being Tasered by Police

Police in San Jose, California, say a man who died after being stunned got into a "violent struggle" with officers trying to take ...

Ex-girlfriend Sues Former Met Alomar for AIDS Exposure

Ex-Met second baseman Roberto Alomar found his sex life made public after his former girlfriend sued him, saying he had unprotected sex with...

Peanut Company President Refuses to Testify

The head of the company linked to a massive salmonella outbreak in peanut products refused to testify at a congressional hearing Wednesday a...